Seaspray at Sunset Boomer Beach - Stephen C
The Farrier - Tony B
White Iris - Jeannette M
Sunset - Nicole P
Club Program for 2025
The primary objective of the Club Program for 2025 is to provide a wide range of activities to, hopefully, provide items of interest for all club members. The program is based on members feedback given in our recent questionnaire on future activities.
Activities include:
Presentation : Guest speakers will share their interests and insights on photography related topics.
Competition : Judges critique and score images submitted by club members. Most importantly judges provide guidance on how images could be improved. Judges are volunteers and are selected from the judging panel provided by the South Australian Photographic Federation.
Workshop : Hands on activities (usually run by club members) to share knowledge and provide the opportunity for club members to try different aspects of photography. In previous years this has covered topics such as macro photography, flash photography, lighting and photographic equipment.
Photo Shoot : Hands on activities at interesting locations or events where club members have the opportunity to capture images with the support of other club members. These are always great social events.
Challenge : Club members are provided with set subjects to capture images in a short period (usually two weeks).
Peer Review : Similar to a competition but unjudged. These meetings provide an opportunity for group discussion on how images could be improved and options for image processing.
Other : Other activities such as exhibitions and social activities (dinners, club awards, celebrations) are held a couple of times a year.
Current Program
Previous Programs
Click on Calendar in the navigation menu for details for the current three months.